Current Issues
Our Mission:
Encourage the wise use, management, and preservation of the Emily lakes and rivers.
Promote educational opportunities for our members and the local community that advocate a healthy balance between recreational use of the lakes and their protection.
Establish partnerships with local and regional organizations and governmental policymakers for the promotion and preservation of our valuable resources.
Out Actions to Promote Healthy Waters:
Control Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS)
• Secures funding for needed AIS treatments
• Conducts annual lake surveys for Eurasian Watermilfoil (EWM)
• Facilitates EWM treatments
• Annually test for veligers (zebra mussel larvae)
• Distributes education literature
Maintain Water Quality
• Monitors water quality from May to September and reports data to DNR
• Monitors lake levels and reports data to DNR
• Encourages water quality, enhancing shoreline and upland management by property owners
• Distributes education literature on proper lakeshore management
Foster Recreational Enjoyment
• Coordinates with DNR to stock walleye in our lakes
• Promotes annual 4th of July Boat Parade open to all
Supporting Our Lakes and Rivers
Emily Lakes and Rivers Association is a non-profit organization created in August 2002 with the adoption of the Corporation Articles and By-Laws. ELRA represents the interests of our members on Dahler, Emily and Mary lakes and the Little Pine River in Crow Wing County, Minnesota.